什麼是有機? Whats is organic?
一般而言,就是在栽種過程中符合有機標準、生產製造過程中不添加任何有毒物質,例如: 化學性合成肥料及農藥絕對不准使用在農作物上,必須自行製作堆肥或施用禽畜糞肥或魚粉等。
Organic oil is made from vegetables/plants that are not genetically engineered. Most organic oil are grown on family farms that strive to reduce the use of chemicals on the plants and maintain clean soil for their crops. Also, the whole manufacturing process and planting process will be governed by international standard such as USDA of America.
什麼是冷壓? / What is cold-pressed?
General Speaking, cold pressed oil is oil produced through a combination of grinding and low heat. Many types of fruits, seeds, and vegetables can be used to make it, but not all cooking oils go through this process. The introduction of heat to the process of making most oils degrades their flavor, nutritional value, and color, and may expose them to toxins.
什麼是初榨? What is virgin?
Extra virgin oil refers to a specific grade of consumer oil that is made from the initial pressing of the plants. It is considered by most people to be the highest quality variety, with the finest taste and texture.